Saturday, February 27, 2010

Basket made from magazine strips

A while back I attempted to make baskets out of magazine page strips. I made a small bowl and a waste paper basket. They were OK for my first try; you can see them on You can see more pictures of this basket on my Web site,
This bowl is a lot better! I used a glue gun instead of rubber cement and glue sticks. The glue gun works for me because it dries fast and bonds tightly. This bowl is so much more steady than the first ones, the waste paper basket fell apart after a couple of months.

The Scarf

Here is the scarf I started. I want to make it a little wider; I need more black yarn. It's around 11 feet long! I'm very excited about wearing it once it's done. It feels comfortable already. Here's a sneak peak:

I'll post it when it's completely done. Also, I'll be posting some things I've made in the past until I get more things made. Thanks for visiting the blog.